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Fundamentals PM

IAP2's Working with Conflict and High Emotion

A Global Learning Pathway (GLP) elective

Assess the state of conflict and emotion in your P2/engagement processes, and create productive and constructive approaches to address them.

Who should take this course

Course Objectives

  • Assess the state of conflict and emotion in the P2/engagement process, and create productive and constructive approaches

  • Work with the stages of conflict escalation and apply the concepts of de-escalation

  • Apply a variety of strategies to transform the conflict in P2/engagement

  • Identify the impact of high emotion and apply a range of approaches to deescalate challenges

  • Identify how to reduce conflict in situations of misinformation and duelling facts

  • Apply the principles of storytelling to connect people to each other, increase understanding and reduce conflict

  • Learn from mistakes and understand the role of failure in P2/engagement processes

  • Identify and apply how to model integrity and behaviours that deescalate conflict

  • Apply the strategies and tools to your own project or situation

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